Wine 101

Internal promo material for a Friday arvo Inspo Jam at WorkingMouse. In this session we were treated to a wine tasting class by our colleague Alice Spies.

Print, Digital
Designer & Illustrator

animation of wine swishing

Say yes to vino

In addition to the antioxident boost, wine has the power to spark romance and bring friends together. In the lead up to Al's 'Wine 101' Friday arvo Inso Jam, I was breifed to design a poster for the event. Typically hung in the office kitchen or on the back of the toilet door - I thought I would take the breif a step further - and play with animation.

Social stories

I re-framed the content from the printed posters, to be displayed across multiple instagram stories.

Wine 101


I was inspired by multidisciplinary creative, Gianluca Cannizzo (pictured left), and illustrator, Nishant Choksi (pictured right). Both use simple thick brush strokes to create entertaining illustrations - and clearly both have a lot of experience depicting my subject matter: Wine!